Another beautiful week here at my little piece of paradise. Citrus are still going crazy. On the left of the basket is the first lemonade of the season. I finally have enough beans to go with the vegies for dinner tonight and four different types of leafy vegies to make a fritatta...still no eggs from my chooks for that one though.
I discovered this caterpillar on my cauliflower earlier this week, so I removed the few I found and gave everything a good spray of chilli and garlic mix. Hopefully that will make some difference.
A brand new eggplant just waiting to grow.
The hibiscus have dried well. A few more days and I will start crushing them to store for tea.
I am amazed this boysenberry survived the drought. It needed a trellis so I recycled some metal shelving we had hanging around. I will be stoked if I end up with some berries!
My four weeks was finally up and I could not wait to cut my cheese...and look how perfect it is! The flavour is a little strong which was surprising but it is awesome on barbecue shapes with homemade mango relish :)
We woke up to the smell of fresh bread from the breadmaker this morning...yum!!
I was given a huge bag of Jaboticaba's. They are commonly known as a brazillian grape.
My beautiful daughter went to the markets this morning and brought home two more fruit trees. An avocado...and a beautiful Jaboticaba!!
I found this sneaky fellow in the long grass under the lime tree. Yay, more pumpkins!
The lime tree is going nuts, I picked up a dozen fruit off the ground.
This is the lemonade tree. The fruit are the size of a large orange.
Some nice colour from our ever resilient roses.
Yay!! This is the garlic I planted two weeks ago. The shoots are about 10cm high already. I have never grown garlic so it will be interesting.
My husband's favourite roses.
A few baby strawberries starting to show their faces.
Beans, glorious beans!
I am loving all the varieties of kale. I just use it like spinach and add it to just about any dish.
Rainbow chard and curly kale growing well behind the lemon tree.
The mulberries are a sad story this year. As the tree is at the bottom of our block it did suffer from the freak early frost a couple of weeks ago. This normally would not be a problem as it never fruits until spring...but a warm summer brought the fruit on earlier than usual.
I am not expecting much from it now.
The most perfect lettuce I have ever grown :)
And finally some progress with the leeks.
And I just pulled this sour dough bread out of the oven...made with the starter from my workshop a couple of weeks ago. Very happy with the result.