Friday 4 April 2014

A-Z Simple Living: D = Declutter

This topic is a tough one for me to conquer, simply because I live in a house with four clutterers. Every time I try to create some sort of order amongst the chaos, someone always comes along and undoes my hard work. So, it's hard to be vigilant when it comes to decluttering unless I want to spend all of my valuable spare time on it...and the rest ranting and raving at everyone to put things back where they got them from - several years of doing that have not yielded 100% I have made a few 'compromises' to keep my sanity.

1. If they choose to keep their bedrooms untidy and cluttered, and believe me they do, then that is their choice. When they can't find clean undies or socks to wear, because they have been shoved under the bed all week, that is also their choice...and if they miss the washing cut-off of Friday night in the laundry basket, then they do it themselves. So that's one compromise right?

2, The other is that everything in my kitchen has to go back to where it was taken excuses. So, when my husband makes a masterchef dinner, whilst having a few glasses of wine, I have chosen to accept the chaos rather than harping on about it...and I move everything back the way it was after he is finished. It is important for me to love my kitchen, and to know where everything is one of my many havens and I do have certain drawers and cupboards dedicated to me, such as my preserving and cheese cupboard. No-one touches it :)

So, I am not the best example of decluttering but I am cutting down on the amount of stuff we have and getting rid of things we don't use. Less clutter = less stress. Some things that may be repurposed are kept outside until I decide whether they will be of use. But, if you really want to know how to declutter then I suggest you visit these blogs:

1. The Organised Housewife. I absolutely love this blog and aspire to be the perfect housewife, apron and all, that these posts conjure up. There are printables you can purchase to assist with your organising, and a 52 week declutter challenge to follow.

2. Me and My Ready Made family. I love this blog because Sheridan Anne inspires me to organise my home  better and to continue with my meal planning which I have let slip lately.

3. Duchess Declutter. A wonderful lady who started a blog about decluttering, and there are some great posts on this topic, but she covers gardening and life topics as well.

4. Home Life Simplified. Deb is currently on a mission to declutter and improve areas of her home...she also has amazing e-books with step by step ways to simplify your entire life. Well worth checking out.

So, the sixty four million dollar question is....are you a clutterer or a declutterer?

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